Egg cleansing, commonly known as "limpia de huevo," is a traditional procedure for clearing negative energy from a person's aura. It entails gathering raw eggs, a candle, and a glass of water. To prepare the egg, light a candle and pass it through the flame to purify it. The cleansing procedure include holding the egg in one's palm, gently rolling it over the body, and saying prayers or affirmations. The egg is then cracked into a glass of water and allowed to sit. The egg yolk can be interpreted as clear water, hazy water or bubbles, blood stains, or odd shapes and patterns, providing information about specific aspects of life that may require attention.
An egg cleaning ceremony can provide information about your emotional and spiritual status by reading indications. Common interpretations include clear water, clouded water, blood spots, forms and patterns, eyes, spirals, discoloured yolk, double yolk, snakes, and spiders. Clear water signifies no significant negative energy, whereas cloudy water represents emotional upheaval, blood spots may signify deep emotional wounds, and shapes and patterns such as cobwebs, spikes, eyes, and spirals reflect confusion or clarity. Discoloured or white yolks can indicate disease or physical healing, whereas double yolks are commonly regarded as good luck or a positive omen. Snakes represent shedding old skin, renewal, and metamorphosis, whilst spiders indicate innovation and the beginning of a new journey.
After interpreting the egg, it's important to dispose of it properly. You can bury it in the ground or flush it down the toilet to ensure that any negative energy is fully removed from your space