Another aspect of bujha is learned of in Mexico is how to interpret the candle flame. While many know a bright, strong flame means success is sure and a withering flame is an ill omen or means a petition will take a long time to come through, many fail to observe or understand the many other movements and patterns a flame may form. This guide I present to you is a collection of the knowledge I have acquired from years of study with curanderos and witches.
When the point of the flame burns bright and strong
The petition will be heard.
When the flame is small
The petitioner needs to have patience; results will take a long time.
When the flame releases sparks
This indicates that you could have some kind of disappointment before your petition is fulfilled.
When the flame rises and falls
This indicates that you are thinking several things at the same time; your mind is confused. You need to find focus.
When the flame wavers and vacillates
There will be changes in your life, and things will not turn out as you wish.
When the flame flickers to the right
The answer to your question is yes, or the solution to your problem will soon be clarified. This portends quick solutions in the life of the person who consults.
When the flame flickers to the left
The answer to your question is no. This is a good time to plan things but not to carry out actual plans.
When the wick won't light or lights with difficulty
If, when you're lighting the candle, the match goes out too early or the candle simply does not want to light, then your environment or aura is charged with bad energy; something is working against you. Do a cleanse and clean your altar before starting again.
When the candle will not stay lit despite repeatedly trying to light it Your petition will not be heard. There is too much energy blockage. Cleanse and start afresh.
When the candle goes out by itself after burning for a long time with no apparent reason
When the flame, after burning for a long time, goes out without the presence of obvious air currents but before the candle is finished, this means the hardest part of your prayer will be answered, and you have Santa Muerte's blessing for your desire. But much of what you ask will have to be achieved by you alone through hard work, sacrifice, and determination.
When the flame looks like a spiral
Your request will be answered, and good news will follow.
When the flame remains static
If the flame is totally still with no oscillation, this augurs stagnation and little action. However, in love, this is positive, as it is associated with stability, emotional peace, tranquility, and calm.
When the flame zig-zags
There is doubt and mistrust, and you may experience a crisis or great problems. Much work needs to be done on yourself and the situa tion before it can change. Caution is advised.
When the flame becomes two flames
You are at a cross-roads, and there are two possible paths. If the two flames stay separate and small, your path is about to split away from someone else's, but the outcome will be positive. If the two flames are large and burn wildly, you may quarrel with someone and see a parting of ways. There is bad energy, so cleanse yourself. If the two flames come together after being separate, there will be a union with someone and coming together,
When the flame becomes three flames
You are torn between three paths and between heart, body, and mind. Follow your intuition and protect yourself to ensure the right deci sion is made for your long-term happiness and safery.