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Qu'est-ce que la Magie

A woman gazing into her altars plate preparing to do magic


Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) a fondé la religion de Thelema. Il était largement associé à l'occultisme moderne et a influencé d'autres fondateurs religieux tels que Gerald Gardner de la Wicca et L. Ron Hubbard de la Scientologie.
Crowley a commencé à utiliser le mot « magie » et a donné plusieurs raisons pour cela. La raison la plus souvent évoquée est de différencier ce qu’il faisait de la magie de scène. Toutefois, une telle utilisation est inutile. Les universitaires discutent tout le temps de la magie dans les cultures anciennes, et personne ne pense qu’il s’agit des Celtes tirant des lapins de leurs chapeaux.
Mais Crowley a donné plusieurs autres raisons pour lesquelles il a utilisé le terme « magie », et ces raisons sont souvent ignorées. La raison principale était qu'il considérait la magie comme tout ce qui rapproche une personne de l'accomplissement de sa destinée ultime, qu'il appelle la vraie volonté.

Selon cette définition, la magie n'a pas besoin d'être métaphysique. Toute action, banale ou magique, qui aide à accomplir sa véritable volonté est de la magie. Lancer un sort pour attirer l’attention de quelqu’un n’est certainement pas de la magie.

Qu'est-ce que la sorcellerie ?

So there are literally tens of hundreds of different types of witchcraft. If you can think of something to use for witchcraft, there’s a witchcraft for it: spirits, angels, demons, elements, the weather, gods, minor gods, or higher gods, music, plants—you name it, it’s there. Magic works on the energy, the vibrations that every single living, moving, breathing, reproducing thing in the universe gives off. And the energy created by those vibrations connects us all. We are all connected.

  • A magic wand, or what we call a wand—we don’t use the word magic—the wand itself has no power. It is literally a stick. I could pick up a twig off the street and use it on the spot. That stick that we call a wand is a conductor; we focus on it, using it to channel and concentrate our energy, worth putting it out into the universe, technically amplifying it. Think of it like a funnel and you’re forcing water through the big end, squirting out the small. It is the same thing when it comes to the gods, spirits, or demons, or whatever anybody else wants to call them.

  • So, what is magic in witchcraft? It’s all about us. We human beings are the gods of this world. Break it down: You have mythology, let’s go with the Norse background—my personal favorite. Odin, Thor, Ares, etc. They were living gods. They walked among us. You had Zeus, you had their counterparts; they’re all the same god. Throughout time, people lost their faith, and those gods went from being a religion to a myth and fell under the category of mythology. The gods, the god above, the devil, the spirits, the angels—whoever you choose to believe in—only has as much power as we give them. If we all stop talking about them and stop believing in them, maybe in 100 years or so, nobody will be talking about them. They exist only because we empower them to exist. So when people call upon these gods, demons, spirits, or whatever to do witchcraft, we are simply just providing them with more of our faith and belief. We are focusing it through them, and they become the funnel.

  • So, what is magic in witchcraft? It can only be used when we are able to separate our conscious and subconscious. Throughout the years, throughout our lives as we’ve grown up, our conscious is taught and learns that everything in life is rational, and if it falls outside of rationality, our conscious mind cannot accept it and immediately begins to deny it. When we can put that aside, that’s when we can fully begin to understand the wonders of witchcraft.


To truly understand what is magic, we need to recognize that it’s not limited to just rituals and spells. Magic is in the intentions we set, the energy we project, and the connections we forge. It’s in the small daily practices that align us with our goals and desires. Whether it’s a morning affirmation, a mindful walk, or a meaningful conversation, these are all expressions of magic. The question, “What is magic?” is answered in these moments when our will shapes our reality.


La « volonté de faire bouger les choses » correspond aux mesures que vous avez prises pour atteindre votre objectif. Cependant, la « volonté » fait référence à la force mentale ou à l’intention utilisée lors de l’exécution de la magie. C'est la force qui concentre vos pensées et les guide vers votre objectif. En termes simples, la « volonté » est l'énergie qui propulse votre magie -Hoci Leahcimich

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